Monday, March 24, 2025

Of new starts... (New Puppy)

 It's Finally Spring!

We start this spring with a new puppy. Sadie is her name.  We picked her up as a 12 week old in Washington State on a quick up and back from home (well I did anyway).  We are dealing with a persistent round of a UTI on the poor little thing, although it doesn't seem to be slowing her down much. 

She is a lovely little Chessie (little for now).  She has the best temperment and one of the most beautiful coats of any of my Chessies..  Also getting along with the old fart at the house (Skits 10.5) quite well.



Saturday, January 18, 2025

The path to understanding..



 So the hunt is on.  I have posted a few requests to Reddit and FB for some new folks to write to.  It's interesting some of the folks you come across on these different sites.  I swear it's like more of people looking for a long reply tinder site.  Nope not interested.  I have picked up a few younger folks, which is interesting.  I'm very curious to find out some social questions.  Anxiety, being one of the main questions.

Maybe it's the old fart in me, the Gen X coming out.  But I have a real want to know what's in the heads of the younger generation.  The thing is, my (gen x) is so not easily offended/put off, that it may come off that way.  It's not intentional, but a feat in navigation.  

Bear with folks, were all in this together.  Communication needs to start somewhere.  Why not a simple letter...

Friday, January 3, 2025

Oh to start over again (Writing that is)



 A few new trips in the books from last year, a few new pan-pals.  If you haven't heard form me.  Drop me a letter or postcard.  Would like to reconnect.  

Started writing again.  We forget the simple pleasures of sitting down and putting pen to paper. The process of slowing down and composing a thought. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Of Mark Twain (on travel)

 Dawn and I made it back from our annual October trip.  (This is her first break of fall.)

We flew out of Sacramento to Miami and headed to Key West to start our run at the Dry Tortugas National Park.  Finding out on the way we were but 2 days ahead of hurricane Milton (Just on the heals of hurricane Helene). We caught a float plane out the Fort and enjoying the view of the dolphins, sea turtles and wrecks from the air.  If you have the chance, highly suggest over the other option - the ferry, which takes about 2 hours to get to the same point we made in 30 min.

Fort Jefferson from the air.

Had to take the tourist shot of the southern most point.
After Key West, we started the rest of our journey which involved heading north along the east coast heading toward North Carolina and ending up in Birmingham, Alabama. We had to make a few detours along the way as the hurricane ended being right on our tail.  Forcing some unplanned changes.  Some National Parks closed.  The path of Milton was headed to the same places we were headed and closed sometimes the same day we were to be there or the next day.

We were going to head to the Everglades, Biscayne Bay and Big Cypress.  All closing the morning we ere headed to them.  Re-route - Kennedy Space Center.

Space Shuttle Atlantis

Launch of a Falcon 9 Rocket while we were there.

You could easily spend a full day here.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Of Little Giants

 Well, Dawn and I were off again over the past weekend.  Got a few letters out (I'm back :).

Started off at the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, then off to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum.

We finished off our day at the San Jose Giants, adding to our Ballpark Chaser Journey this year.  It was Margaritaville Night, Hawaiian Shirt Giveaway and Fireworks night - Lovely weather  (around 64 end of game) and one of the best ballpark experiences for a Single A park.


Friday, July 26, 2024

Of the Junior in Ranger..

 Have you ever participated in the Junior Ranger programs in the  National Parks??  Well Dawn and I have been availing outselves of this fun activity each and every park we visit.  Bonus, we (attempt) to get the booklets and badges for her entire class she teaches.

We came up with the idea while I was traveling for work and Dawn was tagging along in Dallas.  She wanted to visit the Silo (Magnolia) in Waco and while on our way there, we found the Waco Mammoth Dig site.  Fairly new as far as National Parks/Momuments go - Only 5+ years old and an active dig site.

With the help of the Rangers, we were able to get the booklets, Dawn made an entire virtual field trip for the kids and we sent off the forms.  The Rangers sent us the badges for the kids and they could not have been any more excited.  We sent off the pics to the Rangers and they as well were very happy to see the joy on the kids faces.  Popular enough that the other teachers in her school have asked if she could do the presentation in their classes as well.. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Don't pet the fluffy cows..

 Our most recent trip involved touring the National Parks in Wyoming, Montana, North/South Dakota.  7 days and over 4000 miles - but Dawn put in an hour :).

We managed to get in:

Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Little big Horn, Badlands, Windcave, Jewel Cave, Devils Tower, National Grasslands, Minute Man Missile site and launch facility, Theodore Roosevelt, Mount Rushmore as well as Deadwood and Jackson Hole.

I will be announcing our National Park trips going forward.  If you would like a postcard from the park with the Seal/Stamp for the passport books - Let me know.  We participate in the Junior Ranger Programs at every park available.