Friday, July 26, 2024

Of the Junior in Ranger..

 Have you ever participated in the Junior Ranger programs in the  National Parks??  Well Dawn and I have been availing outselves of this fun activity each and every park we visit.  Bonus, we (attempt) to get the booklets and badges for her entire class she teaches.

We came up with the idea while I was traveling for work and Dawn was tagging along in Dallas.  She wanted to visit the Silo (Magnolia) in Waco and while on our way there, we found the Waco Mammoth Dig site.  Fairly new as far as National Parks/Momuments go - Only 5+ years old and an active dig site.

With the help of the Rangers, we were able to get the booklets, Dawn made an entire virtual field trip for the kids and we sent off the forms.  The Rangers sent us the badges for the kids and they could not have been any more excited.  We sent off the pics to the Rangers and they as well were very happy to see the joy on the kids faces.  Popular enough that the other teachers in her school have asked if she could do the presentation in their classes as well.. 

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